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omni-channel strategy

Deploy messages to all the right places.

Should you send an email or an sms? Mail or a social ad?
Our motto: why not all?!

Never miss a channel again.

Engage with customers wherever they're at—whether it's email, sms, direct mail, or social. Our multi-touch channels will ensure a message isn't missed!

Omni-channel strategy

Our emails land in customers' inboxes at opportune open and engagement times; important reminders are sent directly to their phones; mail compliments your OEM-program; and relevant ads will appear on their social feeds.

digital-first, analog-second

We make it easy to reach customers at their fingertips. Our digital-first strategy creates optimized delivery for maximum reach. However, as a backfill, we'll also deploy direct mail, which ensures a 100% open rate.

Customer preferences

Not all customers are alike. As a result, we have a custom Preference Center where your customers can make their preferred channel selections, creating customer satisfaction in the channels it matters most.

How it works.

Onboarding Call

We'll arrange a kick off call to gather your enrollment details including journey types, audience segments, offer selections and more!

Data & Quality Assurance

We'll connect data, cleanse and assign a Golden ID to each customer, and confirm each journey coincides with OEM guidelines.

Go Live!

We'll work together to identify your ideal launch date, minimizing any disruption to your business.

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We make customer communication easy.


Omni-channel sales and service journeys, with personalized messaging tailored to customer preferences, including email, SMS, direct mail, and social.


Reaches all your customer segments—new, used, and service—including fill-the-gap strategies to complement your OEM program.

Data-Driven Sales Opportunities

Leverages and enhances your enterprise-level customer data with valuable insights to maximize the sales opportunity at every touchpoint.


Designed by industry professionals who understand the complexities of auto retail, and uniquely positioned to help you reach your goals.

Turn the key. Start the journey.

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