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Calendar showing right time. Person. Good Data.

Reach the right person at the right time with good data.

Through audience targeting and personalized messaging, we'll help you reach the right person at the right time with cleansed data, ultimately creating customer loyalty for your dealership.

Golden Record Icon
Golden Record
Single source of truth. No more duplicate records!
Targeted Icon
Audience Targeting
Customer and vehicle re-marketing and retargeting
Third Party Data Icon
Third-Party Data
Turnkey Competitive Advantage
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Email, SMS, Laptop, Direct Mail
omni-channel strategies

Deploy messages to the right places.

Engage with customers wherever they're at—whether it's email, sms, direct mail, or social. Our multi-touch channels will ensure a message isn't missed!

Omnichannel Icon
Multi-touch channels: email, sms, direct mail, & more!
Digital First Internet Icon
Optimized delivery for maximum reach
Analog Mail
Utilize 100% open rate with direct mail
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Multiple journey types for sales, service, and used, showing various messages.
multiple journey types

Send the right message.

Each customer is on their own odyssey, so we're here to provide messaging that is personalized to their ownership experience. Relevant messaging for customers. Return sales and retention for you.

Service Journeys
Provide valuable content at each lifecycle touchpoint  
Sales Journeys
Target your best customers for return sales  
Used Journeys
Identify the best-of-the-best inventory opportunities
Express Journeys
Send one-off campaigns as they arise
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We make customer communication easy.

Omni-Channel Icon

Omni-channel sales and service journeys, with personalized messaging tailored to customer preferences, including email, SMS, direct mail, and social.

Targeted Icon

Reaches all your customer segments—new, used, and service—including fill-the-gap strategies to complement your OEM program.

Data-Driven Icon
Data-Driven Sales Opportunities

Leverages and enhances your enterprise-level customer data with valuable insights to maximize the sales opportunity at every touchpoint.

Best-in-Class Icon

Designed by industry professionals who understand the complexities of auto retail, and uniquely positioned to help you reach your goals.

fill-the-gap strategy

Increase Audience Reach

We've created a fill-the-gap strategy to communicate to customers your OEM program might have missed. Rest assured knowing your whole audience is receiving relevant messaging!

Account support

Automotive Specialists

Our team has combined experience with customer data, strategic marketing, agency creative, key account vendor support, and communication-program-management to dealership-management experience. As a result, we will develop and execute a tailored OEM-specific strategy, based on your custom dealership enrollment.

OEM-specific Designs

Seamless, On-Brand Experience

We understand that not all dealerships are alike. Because of this, we've designed OEM-specific creative. This ensures your emails and direct mail are on-brand, providing a seamless experience for your customers.

Turn the key. Start the journey.

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